Saturday, April 25, 2009

7 Must Have Wardrobe Essentials

There are certain items that every woman must have in her closet. If the man of your dreams calls for a date, are you prepared? If you get a call for an interview for your dream job, are you prepared?

These are the 7 must have essentials for every woman's wardrobe.

1. The Perfect Black Dress. Every woman needs that black dress that fits her like a glove. However, though the dress is a perfect fit, it should also be very classy. The dress would be perfect for a last minute Christmas party or even a banquet for co worker's retirement. Black is a flattering color on any figure, a win - win situation for any occasion!

2. The Tailored Business Suit. Nothing says "I mean business" louder than a woman in a business suit tailored to fit her curves. Whether you are in the boardroom or interviewing for the position, the tailored business suit is always the way to go.

3. Blazer/Short Jacket. Blazers can save allot of time on those morning that your have either overslept or your laundry basket is overflowing. A maxi dress or sundress may not fit your company's dress code if worn alone, but pair it with a blazer and you are in business! Blazers are also great when you have to make one outfit work for you all day long. Perhaps you are having drinks after work but will not have time to change, pair your blazer with a cut cami and some slacks. When quitting time hits, shed your cami and say hello to the night life!

4. Tailored White Shirt. One classic piece is the tailored white shirts. This shirt can be worn casually or dressed up for church or work. You can pair the shirt with a skirt or pair of slacks for the office. You can slip into it on the weekend to meet a friend for a movie and pair it with your favorite jeans.

5. Jeans that compliment your body. The days of stiff Lee and Jordache jeans are long over. There are several brands and cuts of denim out there to choose from. Every woman needs at least three pair of jeans. A pair for going out (usually skinny jeans), a pair for casual wear (think boyfriend jeans) and a pair to wear for business casual (think trouser jeans).

6. Strapless Bra. No one wants to have on the perfect dress and have to tuck straps all night long. We have all seen ladies wearing beautiful dresses only to frown when we see their bra peeking thru. Every woman needs a GOOD supportive strapless bra. Just because your bust is small, don't think you don't need support. Small puppies can hang low also. J

7. Thong or nude underwear. We all wear white pants, shorts, skirts and dresses. Why embarrass yourself with visible panty lines? Invest a few pairs of thong or invisible nude underwear. You will thank us later. J

TJ Jackson is a personal fashion consultant and professional model. For more information on her fashion ideas and view some of her work, visit her at

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Green Fashion - Accessorize the Green Way

Since the fashion industry has started going green with many of their new clothing lines, it only makes since that there would be eco-friendly accessories available to enhance these outfits. Accessorizing the green way is not as difficult as you might imagine with all the new options available today. There are actually many sites online that sell eco-friendly accessories and you can find several specialty stores that caries these products as well.

Eco-friendly accessories include a wide variety of items. You can find all types of jewelry designed with recycled metals, gems and other stones. When you buy jewelry that has been recycled it eliminates waste and the pollution created during the manufacturing process. Eco-friendly jewelry is also being made from other materials such as clay beads, hemp and bamboo. When you purchase these products you are making a difference.

When searching for ways to accessorize the green way you can also find belts that have been made from cotton, woven hemp and other materials to enhance your wardrobe. There is a huge selection of handbags and purses that come in a variety of colors making it possible to find something that will ascent your outfits perfectly. Many of these belts and handbags are one-of-a-kind items so you can have accessories that no one else has.

The next time you're searching for accessories to compliment your outfits, take a few minutes to read the labels and see what materials they are made from to find the ones that are eco-friendly. Everything that you can do to help the environment makes a difference no matter how small because little things add up over time. By making these small changes everyone can do their part to help take care of the planet for future generations.

Lisa is a freelance writer with a specialty in Internet content and SEO articles. She has written thousands of articles, hundreds of ebooks and thousands of website pages and related content. She has also authored her own books and works as a consultant to other writers, Internet marketers and Internet businesses.

Professional wordsmith for hire: gamer, wife, mother, entrepreneur, published poet, co-owner of game guides company (, public speaker and Internet business consultant. You can learn more or follow Lisa's blog from her website: