Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Cannot Afford Original Chanel Bags? Replica Chanel Handbags Serve the Same Purpose

Fashion is like oxygen for women. Accessorizing one's clothing is an art women have mastered over the years. Now dressing up in the trendiest of outfits is not the only way of looking good. Handbags, shoes, hair clips, jewelry all contribute in adding the glam factor in the outlook of a woman. However, because of recession that is prevalent world wide these days ordinary women are not able to afford the luxurious high priced bags offered by the designers these days.

Chanel is a famous Paris brand founded by Coco Chanel in 1971. Since then it has hit popularity among the high class as a leading fashion house designing handbags of the taste that best suits women of the highest fashion class. The designs presented by the Chanel fashion house are known to be chic and of timeless elegance. However, not all of the fashion conscious women can afford such luxuries on a simple handbag.

Cheaper versions of bags by this brand are available now. These cheaper versions are exact replicas of the Chanel handbags line. They look exactly the same even down to the exact same logo imprinted on them. The main difference is in the cost. They cost less than half of the original price of what Chanel offers in their fashion house. These bags have lowered the sale of the original Chanel handbags significantly. This has caused colossal damage to the Chanel fashion house.

A lot of money is used up in the materials used to make the bags especially ones made by Chanel because they do not compromise on quality. The stitching costs, laboring costs, shipment and transportation costs all add up to quite an amount of money that is invested in making designer handbags. When the sale dropped due to the admission of replica Chanel handbags in the market, Chanel suffered from huge business losses.

The true clientele of the Chanel brand, however, remains unaffected. This clientele includes celebrities, high class business women and super models, people whose image matters in the eyes of the world. Ordinary working women from middle class financial backgrounds find such replica handbags a blessing. They are now able to compete with the wealthier crowd in the same fashion at a much affordable price. However, women of taste who do know how to differentiate between fake and original designer bags do not compromise on quality when it comes to accessorizing their outfits.

If you really interested in getting trendy bags then don't forget to visit

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Understanding the Parts of the Designer Indian Sari - The Designer Blouse

Traditional Indian clothing and modern Indian clothing have long enchanted people all over the world. Be it traditional Indian Saris or designer Indian saris, this six yard long garment has held sway over millions of people since several centuries. There has to be something special in this designer Indian sari that makes a woman look sexy and appealing, while at the same time covering her modesty in keeping with Indian traditions.

The designer Indian saree comes in three main parts - the blouse, the long skirt or petticoat and the sari itself. Let's have a look at all three in detail.

The Blouse.

This part of the designer Indian sari is meant to cover the upper part of the body of the wearer. It is like a short tank top shirt that is tight fitting in nature and accentuates the shape of the breasts and the back. There is a large variety of designs available for the discerning user, and an even larger variety of material.

This is the only part of the designer Indian saree that is stitched, and hence lends itself to varied styles.

Generally, deeply traditional women may go for a fully covered front and back. The page three crowd as well as the younger generation prefers deep cuts in their designer Indian sari blouse showing lots of skin. There can be any number of combinations that go in between these two extremes.

A deep neck in front is used by women wanting to show off some cleavage. A shallow one may be used by more modestly inclined ladies. The design of the neck can be one of any number of shapes, and you can have a look at some of the variety online.

The back of the blouse itself is a very interesting piece of the entire garment. It can be fully covered with a very shallow neck for ladies wanting to keep covered. A deeper neck at the back is used to show off a sexy neckline.

A particular variety of the blouse is called the 'backless blouse', in which a string is used to wind together the two parts. The string crisscrosses across the length of the blouse to give a very sexy look to the onlooker.

Yet another variety is called the halter neck blouse, wherein the blouse of the designer Indian sari is practically just a halter top, with the back completely exposed. Noodle straps hold up the front portion of this blouse and are tied around the neck, very similar to a regular bikini.

Modern designer blouses are little more than a bikini top, and go a long way in exposing the shapely back and upper torso of the woman wearing the designer Indian sari. Of course, the front and the back of the blouse lends itself to an assortment of embellishments such as embroidery, stonework, decorations etc, which in itself is the subject of a separate series of articles altogether.

Watch this space for more on the other parts of the Designer Indian Sari, i.e, the petticoat and the sari itself.

Jasnav is a leading stylist and fashion writer. How would you like to own designer Indian clothing for yourself? You can get a massive variety of designer Indian clothing at one of the top websites of the world here.